Friday 8 March 2013

Motivation is the Hardest Part

As I've said before in previous posts I have had a very hard time motivating myself to workout, let alone practice yoga at home. Not having the motivation has set me back so many times, but I have come to understand that it is not only important to do what you love whether it’s yoga, running or training for a triathlon, but to make real life changes and to focus on what you want to achieve in the long run.

I find it helps to schedule in workouts as a daily routine like eating breakfast or showering. Once I started doing this I found myself sticking to my workouts like glue.  Doing something you love is also important if you want to stick to your daily routines. You don’t eat something you don’t like so why would you run if you hated it, or hated yoga because you weren't flexible? Once we all start making small changes to our daily lives working out won’t seem so difficult to fit in.


  1. I always find if I record my workouts that inspires me to at keep at it, trying to beat my old records. I'm not sure how that could work with yoga though? Maybe holding the sprouting tree for an hour?

  2. I agree with what Jeremy said about recording workouts. I always found that valuable. I also share his curiosity with yoga although he put it much funnier than i could have imagined. Great blog Alana
