Friday 8 February 2013

What (Not) to Wear to Class

Lululemon Athletica

We all know what to wear when we’re working out, just throw on a pair of shorts and any old t-shirt and your set but sometimes our days are busy and the little things slip our minds.  I’m not saying you have to buy the most expensive workout gear but remember your goals and what type of workout you want to accomplish. Also wear what makes you comfortable and confident.

Yoga doesn't require much but it’s important to keep in mind that this type of workout is about breathe, positions and to keep your mind focused on your practice. The last thing you want to be doing is fidgeting with your clothes while in downward facing dog or having your shirt fall to your face when attempting a head stand, unless you want the entire class to see the colour of your sports bra or that new tattoo you just got. It’s quite obvious that comfort and fit are key in yoga, the less bulk the better! Oh, and only wear grey in a Moksha class if you want the entire world to see your sweat stains.

Karma Wear
I’m writing this post because most of the blunders I've mentioned have happened to me during classes, all very amusing stories to tell but have compromised the focus on my practice. A workout shouldn't be all about the clothes it should be about getting stronger, happier and crushing your goals.   

Here are a few stores you can purchase clothes, mats and other yoga accessories:


  1. what would we do without Lululemon?? geez. :)

  2. It is also good to note that wearing shorts to a hot yoga class is not always the best option. I wore them my first time and I was so slippery! Pants or capris are a must if you want to hold certain positions in my opinion.

  3. Ya, Kate, I hate shorts for hot yoga! Lululemon shirts tend to work the best for staying in place in my opinion. And I love The Mat from Lulu as well!

  4. I've never tried yoga, but I've always wanted to. These tips are great for those of us not familiar with what we're doing.

  5. My first yoga class ever - I didn't bring my own mat. A mistake I will never make again. I got settled in last minute at the front of a full class, getting into the first few moves, I noticed a really bad smell. I looked over at the man next to me - wondering, and I noticed he was were pink nail polish. But the smell wasn't from him. It was from my mat, ewwwwwww. This yoga studio also did hot yoga in the other room. Double ewwww..
